Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Brooklyn is 9 months old

Sweet Brooklyn is 9 months old and she just started crawling (March 6)! In just the few days that she has been crawling, I already know that I'm not ready for this next phase! She was still such a baby just sitting on her playmat and now she's mobile! MOBILE! Completely different! It's a chore to make sure Tyler and Kinley haven't left out any smaller toys and I'm trying to keep the floors swept and vacuumed because everything that Brooklyn finds goes straight in her mouth. Our days suddenly got a lot busier. :-) She has also started pulling up on stuff... the couch, chairs, toys, etc. She crawled right off the bed the other day (she was okay!) and interestingly, she won't get too close to the edge now. I still put pillows all around her when she's sleeping... just in case, but she seems pretty cautious now.

She is wanting to interact with Tyler and Kinley more. She's interested in what they're doing and enjoys any attention they give her way. I can't believe it, but she's already iPad/iPhone crazy! Of course, she can't do anything on it, but she tries to take the phone out of my hand or the iPad away from the kids. She will sit and pat at it, like she's doing something. She is also a little crazy about Tyler's Minecraft stuffed toys. She starts squealing/laughing/flapping her arms when he brings one out for her. I don't see her react that way to any of her other toys. Well, she's starting to get pretty excited about her lovey, but still...

She has sat in the high chair at home a few times and gets pretty excited about sitting at the table. Right now, she hangs out in the exersaucer right next to me when we eat because we only have 4 chairs at our table and she's fine to eat and play, but we really need to get another chair pretty soon so that she can be at the table with us. She's still eating small pieces of whatever we eat. Her favs are avocado, pasta, cheese, bananas and applesauce. She has also started drinking water from her sippy cup. She knows "bite." She's not trying to say any words, but she says "Ah hummm" all day long. It's pretty sweet.

She just had her 9 month well-visit check-up and everything was great. She is in the 50th percentile for everything. I have misplaced the individual stats and will have to update later, but she's happy and healthy.

Look at this cute little pony that she just started sporting!!
