Sunday, January 11, 2015

Brooklyn is 7 months old

Brooklyn is 7 months old! Still fun-loving and sweet as ever! This past month was pretty busy with all of the holiday hustle and now I'm ready for some relaxing time with my littlest love. We have a few milestones to log down in the baby book. Brooklyn sat up for the first time unassisted on Christmas day! It was for just a few seconds at a time, but it's legit if I got a picture, right?! :-)

She really started sitting up like a champ about a week ago. Just in time for her re-scheduled pictures! (Stay tuned for those!) I was looking at pictures of Tyler when he was 7 months old and I just can't believe how mobile he was. Crawling at 6 months, pulling up on everything at 7 months. He was into everything!

Throwback Tyler 6 1/2 to 7 months old-

I love that Brooklyn is taking her sweet time on these milestones! She still seems so tiny to me and I just can't imagine her being that mobile, but I know that it's all coming soon! She does manage to roll from one side of the room to the other and she seems happy and content with that so far. She got her two front teeth almost in time for Christmas... Top left on December 27 and top right on December 29 and they are some big ol' teeth, but she looks so cute with her new pearly whites! Again, no real fussing with teething. I can't say the same about me. Nursing was a bit of a challenge for a couple of weeks with her biting down. And she wasn't biting me on purpose, it was more just latching on, but ouch! It has taken some time for me to get used to those teeth! She found her big toe recently and if she's not in a footed onesie, she's trying to suck on her toe. She's trying a lot more solids, but with no real schedule since she's still nursing regularly. Some of the things she has tried recently are: broccoli, eggs, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, carrots, avocado, chocolate, and her favorites are: bananas, apple sauce, apple cinnamon oatmeal and Mum Mums. She's also had a little bit of apple/prune juice.

She's still waking quite a bit at night and still sleeping in my bed. She knows her name now. She loves, LOVES bathtime and splashing and sucking on a wash cloth. I sound like a broken record with how happy she is (what a fantastic thing to have on repeat though!), but she gets pretty excited about a lot of things- just opening the front door to walk outside, seeing Cooper, when Travis gets home in the evening, when Tyler walks down the stairs to greet her at the bottom, when we walk up the stairs, when you play games with her, when she's naked... just a happy camper, overall! I wish she could stay like this... forever!