Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nov iPhone & Misc

Visiting at Mamma's house

This girl. Poor thing was dancing and tripped and hit the corner of a dresser drawer and put a pretty good gash in the side of her head. :-( We rushed to Urgent Care and she got FOUR staples (she needed two- first two weren't in very well, so the dr pulled them out and put two more in!) with NO numbing anything and with NO crying! Couldn't believe it! Bet your bottom that we took her to Target afterwards and told her that she could pick whatever she wanted! We got off pretty cheap with an Elsa and Anna Frozen doll, but I think we would have bought her the entire store if she wanted. My tough girl!!

She was a little more hesitant about letting them take the staples out a week later. I think she knew how painful it was to get them and was worried. She shed a couple tears beforehand because she was scared, but said it didn't hurt at all to have them taken out. Tyler took pics...

Mom & Son Night at School

Waiting in line to shoot some Nerf guns with Jacob~

This poor picture needs an explanation- We were supposed to make/stuff a scarecrow and only had a few minutes to do it. Tyler decided he wanted to do a skeleton face and he wanted it to be all black, but we ran out of time. He was so disappointed in his "ugly" face and I felt really bad for him. We snuck him another clean balloon to draw on later. :-)


The girls were happy to see us when we got home!

I got my grandma a necklace pendant that includes the birthstones of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. That's 21 stones! Pretty impressive! :-)

Tyler's Cub Scout's group visited the Fire Station in town. We took them a yummy dinner and they got a tour of the station and vehicles. It was pretty neat because at the end of their tour, they received a call and had to rush out. Hats off to our first responders! They were suited and out the door in less than 60 seconds!

Someone didn't move a muscle while I folded all that laundry. Lazy bums. :-)

Rolling over

Princess Elsa Kinley (as she says) watching cartoons

She wears her Elsa crown everywhere! Playdate at Kenzie's house.

Thanksgiving luncheon at Tyler's school

Cub Scouts

Kinley and friends at Chuck-e-Cheese.

Thanksgiving at Poppa's. Little B just couldn't hang.

Doing great with tummy time and looking cute!