Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Brooklyn is 5 months old

My little sweet girl is 5 months old now. I swear this time period is going by even faster than it did with Tyler and Kinley. I think on the day that Tyler and Kinley turned four months old, we set up the exersaucer, jump-a-roo and gave them cereal for the first time. It was exciting and I couldn't wait for them to enter the next phase in hopes that it would make them happier. I'm in denial about Brooklyn getting bigger and we just barely pulled out the exersaucer for her, forget jumping around in a jump-a-roo, and I don't even want to think about solid foods. HaHa! I guess I am glad that we pulled out the exersaucer because she is really enjoying it. I can tell that she is getting stronger and more coordinated each time she plays in it. She rolled over from back to front soon after turning 4 months (on October 16) for the first time and didn't do it again until a couple of weeks later. She rolled back over from front to back on her 5 month birthday (November 10), but I've only seen her do it that once. She immediately flips over when you lay her down on her back and starts to get a little fussy when she gets tired because she can't flip back, but she'll get there soon. I started pulling out some of Kinley's old 6 month clothes and it looks like we'll have to do a little shopping for Brooklyn just for this season. Kinley was three months older than Brooklyn for the cold season, but she was so big that she was wearing a lot of 12-18 month clothes! Brooklyn mostly stays in the cute footed PJ's, again, just soaking in all things baby, but it will be fun to do a little shopping for her. :-) She's still such a happy baby and is always smiling or laughing. She's really starting to use her hands to hold onto toys now and gets excited when I give her something to play with. She's still doing pretty good at night. Sleeping for a good 4-5 hour stretch before waking every couple of hours to nurse. And speaking of nursing, if you get easily offended by nursing pics, then sorry about your luck! This little sweet pea gets so excited and giddy about nursing and she's always hanging onto my shirt or trying to grab my finger while she nurses. It's these little things that I never want to forget. :-)

5 months old!