Thursday, October 30, 2014

October misc & iPhone pics

She's at it again... sneaking into my makeup.

Going on a morning walk~

I can never have enough sleeping baby iPhone pictures. :-)

She fell asleep sitting upright at dance~

Kinley's tea party she set up for us~

Tyler rode the school bus home for the first time! Despite asking a million times, he never rode it last year and I told him that he could occasionally ride it home this year, if he had a friend over, since we don't have the capability to bring a friend home in our truck now. His buddy, Caleb, rode home with him and they were both SO excited!

At Caleb's birthday party and Kinley is running with her crew

Baby love~

This was one of the few new baby purchases I made. Turns out to be a waste. She's so chill that she doesn't need to hang out in the swing...

And she doesn't like it anyway. ;-)

Some of Kinley's dance friends~

Pumpkin painting play date

Kinley is seriously a little rockstar at Tyler's school- sporting the assistant principal's fun glasses.