Thursday, June 12, 2014

Baby Brooklyn is here!

Brooklyn Grace is here! I kept saying that I hoped she would wait and make her debut after the last day of kinder (June 6) and found myself saying, "where the heck is she" about 3pm that day. I am SO impatient! HaHa! I came home and mowed the grass and flew over every pot hole that I could find. We went out for dinner and I ate the spiciest dish on the menu, all in hopes of getting baby girl moving and nada! She had her own plans! :-)

My water broke at 2:50AM on June 10th with no contractions. Identical to Tyler and Kinley. The doctors say how uncommon that is, but my body definitely has a certain way of going into labor! Andrea came over to sit with the kids until my dad and Peggy could get to the house. Since this was not something new for us, we took our time getting to the hospital and arrived a little after 5am.

I snuck in one last belly picture as we were heading out~

I forgot to post this earlier, but the kids kept saying that the baby was just "going to pop" out of my belly. I took this fun picture to remember this time. It's time to POP!!

They checked to see how far along I was about 6:00am and despite being told that I was almost 2cm dilated for a couple of weeks, they said it was completely subjective to the person doing the exam and that I was closer to 1cm. They started me on the lowest Pitocin drip (1mL) due to my history of how quick my body responds to this and sure enough, after I received 0.3mL, contractions started and baby's heart rate dropped down to 80bpm, so they immediately shut it off and had me on my side with the oxygen mask on. This was all way too familiar! They turned it back on at 8:35am on the lowest drip and increased it at 9:00am to 2mL, at 9:30am to 3mL, and at 10:00am to 4mL. These are very low doses compared to what another person receives, but because my body is so reactive to it, the contractions were topping the charts (at 127, whatever that means, but it's the highest the machine records a contraction) with only a few seconds in between each contraction. With Kinley, I never got above 2mL on the Pitocin, so this was incredibly intense pain and I couldn't handle it. They slowly brought the Pitocin back down to 3mL and then 2mL, but it didn't change the contractions at all. I was literally crying because of the pain. I asked for an epidural around 11:30a, without caring how far along I was, but to my surprise, I was already 5cm dilated! They have to give you a bag of saline, which takes about 15 minutes and then the anesthesiologist has to prep and administer, blah, blah, blah. The whole process took way too long because I seriously thought I was dying from pain. I kept telling them that I thought the baby was coming out and I don't think anyone took me seriously because I was just 5cm, however, they checked me immediately after the epidural line was in and it was go time! Within those 20 minutes of waiting on the epidural, I went from 5cm to 10cm! Everything happened super fast after that. The doctor, nurses, and pediatrician rushed in and had the room set for delivery in just seconds. I was unprepared to even think about baby girl coming without my epidural fully working (and I may have mentioned that 20 times to everyone!), but there was no choice... she was on her way! One 10 second push and a few seconds into the second push and thankfully, she was out at 12:14pm!!! She weighed 6lbs, 13oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. Healthy, beautiful and perfect in every way!!

Here's the journey to meeting our sweet baby girl~

The kids came later that afternoon~

We took the entire hospital stay to decide on her name. :-)
