Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Our first week with Brooklyn

Our first week with Brooklyn has been busy! It's hard to slow down when you have two older, active kids at home, but she has been such a trooper as we've toted her to Kinley's dance recital dress rehearsal (the day she left the hospital!!), Kinley's dance recital, lunch at Applebees with Poppa & Peggy, a Jumpy House birthday party, a pool party, grocery store trip and doctor check-ups. I'm sure our pediatrician would not be impressed at how much she's been out, but everyone has been very respectful when we're out and not messing with her or trying to touch her. For the most part, she's either in her car seat with a cover over it or wrapped in a sling with me. And although, we've been busy, we've also shared a lot of down time to just love on her and get to know her. I'm so thankful that she is a summer baby and there are no real schedules right now so that we can just enjoy her (remind me that I said that when planning her birthday parties in our crazy Texas heat!).

She has been such a sweet baby so far! I don't want to get too ahead of myself because I said the same thing about Kinley when she was just a week old. ;-) Brooklyn spends her days like most newborns... sleeping, eating and pooping. She's sleeping pretty good at night as well. She wakes up several times to nurse and sometimes we're up for a few minutes, but she generally goes right back to sleep after getting her belly full and a clean diaper. She's nursing great, especially now that my milk has come in. I'm sure it won't be long before she's a little butterball! At her one week well visit, she weighed 7lbs 4 ounces (25%), was 19 3/4 inches long (25-50%) and her head circumference was 13 1/2cm (20-25%).

As for me- this week has been a little emotional. There's something so bitter-sweet about knowing that she's most likely our last baby. All of her firsts are going to be my lasts and I've found myself being sad over something when I should actually be enjoying that moment. Like every parent, I just wish the time went a little slower. I have struggled with her name a lot this week! Brooklyn is one that I threw in the mix and I think it's a beautiful name, but for some reason it doesn't seem to fit yet. I know that it's still new and I remember having doubts about Tyler and Kinley's name that first week, so hopefully, I'll get used to this pretty quick. Everyone else loves it!! It's also crazy to think that I ever had fears about how a third child or a GIRL would change our family dynamic. I am so head over heels for this itty bitty, it's not even funny!! She was meant to be with us and after only one week, I can't imagine life without her! Amazing how that happens! Tyler and Kinley have been absolutely fantastic with her! They love on her and try to be helpful to me. Everything has really fallen into place this past week with her... much better than I had expected!

Here's some pictures of our first week together!

First night sleeping arrangements- everyone bunking in my room. :-)

Kinley has become quite the little mommy with her babies. She had to give this one a bath as well. ;-)
