Thursday, May 22, 2014

Baby girl updates

My appointments are happening right on top of each other now! I've had three check-ups since the last update. Baby hasn't changed position at all in months. She's still hanging out on my right side, head down. The nurse practitioner did a pelvic check at my last appointment and I'm already 2cm dilated and baby's head is very low!! I wasn't surprised by that news at all. I have been mega uncomfortable and feeling a lot of pressure for at least a week and a half now. It's almost painful to just walk because baby girl is so low and it's really hard to go from a sitting/laying to standing position, especially in the middle of the night when I have to get up every two hours to go to the bathroom. I have to walk super slow and I'm surprised at how different this is compared to with Tyler and Kinley. I'm still having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions and even though I'm considered full-term at 37 weeks, I still have three weeks until the due date and I'll be surprised if I make it to the possible induction day before then. I'm still hopeful because I don't know how the last 1-2 weeks of school will work with a newborn and there are a couple of fun things that I've committed to doing that last week of school and I want to be there for Tyler. It's all such a guessing game! I'm not usually one to brag, but I have been very happy with myself and my ability to keep up with our super active schedule lately between home, work, social activities, and a lot of school volunteering. I haven't missed a beat, despite feeling pretty uncomfortable at times. And, I mean, we've been BUSY! :-)

33 week (+ 3day) appointment- April 29th. Total weight gained: 29lbs. Measuring right on schedule.

35 week (+6 day) appointment- May 16th. Total weight gained: 33lbs. Measuring right on schedule.

36 week (+ 5day) appointment- May 22nd. Total weight gained: 34.4lbs. Measuring right on schedule.

I had a few very generous offers from friends to throw me a baby shower and I decided against it because not only were we so spoiled with showers for Tyler and Kinley, we already have everything for a little girl. However, I am blessed with fantastic friends that still wanted to do something for baby girl. My friends, Emily, Julie, Jen & Erin, planned a girls' night/surprise portable baby shower (cake, plates and all!) at Trudy's and got some great gifts for baby girl and ME! We went to Chuck-e-Cheese with our dance friends for some playtime and they snuck in baby gifts for us! My sweet neighbor friends, Leigh & Venessa, took me to a super yummy brunch at Jack Allen's and spoiled baby girl with clothes and diapers. I've had several friends bring us something here and there, Uncle Justin and Virginia sent us a fun package of goodies, and Poppa & Peggy gave us a nice gift card to grab anything extra that we need! We truly are lucky to have such a great support system!! And I'm thankful that I do have something to put in baby girl's baby book! She made out for me not wanting a shower! We're definitely feeling the love from everyone!!