Friday, May 30, 2014

All things May

Sweet and peaceful. ;-)

Mine and Kinley's shadow~

First big tooth is already coming in!

Bath time buddies. This doesn't happen very often anymore. :-(

Kinley's iPhone self-portraits

Monday, May 26, 2014

Kinley's 1st dentist appt

Kinley had her first dentist appointment and despite acting pretty scared about going, she was a rockstar once we got there! No cavities!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Baby girl updates

My appointments are happening right on top of each other now! I've had three check-ups since the last update. Baby hasn't changed position at all in months. She's still hanging out on my right side, head down. The nurse practitioner did a pelvic check at my last appointment and I'm already 2cm dilated and baby's head is very low!! I wasn't surprised by that news at all. I have been mega uncomfortable and feeling a lot of pressure for at least a week and a half now. It's almost painful to just walk because baby girl is so low and it's really hard to go from a sitting/laying to standing position, especially in the middle of the night when I have to get up every two hours to go to the bathroom. I have to walk super slow and I'm surprised at how different this is compared to with Tyler and Kinley. I'm still having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions and even though I'm considered full-term at 37 weeks, I still have three weeks until the due date and I'll be surprised if I make it to the possible induction day before then. I'm still hopeful because I don't know how the last 1-2 weeks of school will work with a newborn and there are a couple of fun things that I've committed to doing that last week of school and I want to be there for Tyler. It's all such a guessing game! I'm not usually one to brag, but I have been very happy with myself and my ability to keep up with our super active schedule lately between home, work, social activities, and a lot of school volunteering. I haven't missed a beat, despite feeling pretty uncomfortable at times. And, I mean, we've been BUSY! :-)

33 week (+ 3day) appointment- April 29th. Total weight gained: 29lbs. Measuring right on schedule.

35 week (+6 day) appointment- May 16th. Total weight gained: 33lbs. Measuring right on schedule.

36 week (+ 5day) appointment- May 22nd. Total weight gained: 34.4lbs. Measuring right on schedule.

I had a few very generous offers from friends to throw me a baby shower and I decided against it because not only were we so spoiled with showers for Tyler and Kinley, we already have everything for a little girl. However, I am blessed with fantastic friends that still wanted to do something for baby girl. My friends, Emily, Julie, Jen & Erin, planned a girls' night/surprise portable baby shower (cake, plates and all!) at Trudy's and got some great gifts for baby girl and ME! We went to Chuck-e-Cheese with our dance friends for some playtime and they snuck in baby gifts for us! My sweet neighbor friends, Leigh & Venessa, took me to a super yummy brunch at Jack Allen's and spoiled baby girl with clothes and diapers. I've had several friends bring us something here and there, Uncle Justin and Virginia sent us a fun package of goodies, and Poppa & Peggy gave us a nice gift card to grab anything extra that we need! We truly are lucky to have such a great support system!! And I'm thankful that I do have something to put in baby girl's baby book! She made out for me not wanting a shower! We're definitely feeling the love from everyone!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Kinley's first tea party~

Kinley got invited to her first birthday tea party and I almost died over all of the cuteness that was happening! True story!

Birthday girl, Neala~

K and her bestie, Makenzie~

Getting nails painted

Giving the birthday girl some love~

Friday, May 16, 2014

Rounding out T-ball

The t-ball season has come to an end and I couldn't be happier about that!! We met a few really good families on our team with kids that go to Tyler's school and I'm excited about that, but I was so unimpressed with our coach and assistant coach this season for more reasons than I even care to list. It was fun to see such an improvement in Tyler from when he first started a year ago. He was pretty ready for the season to end as well, so I'm not sure that we'll be doing this again in the Fall. It may be time to move onto other stuff!! :-)

T, Lucien & Caleb

Team Mascots: K & Sawyer (Caleb's little brother)~

Check out video of the only point scored during this inning!! Tyler is normally a much better batter than this, but who cares!! And after three seasons, I actually caught his FIRST slide into base on video!!! Talk about an exciting moment! HaHa! He was so proud of himself! Look at how this other team was on top of him!!

(You have to view from a PC)

T & Jakob

K & Belin (t-ball friend)

Getting ready to get his trophy at the end of the season!

Look at that Kool-aid smile!

Tyler & Caleb