Tuesday, April 29, 2014

All things April


group pic

We've been doing a lot of clean up in the backyard and have come across several little grass snakes. Kinley isn't afraid of snakes at.all. She doesn't want to hold them with her bare hands, but she will quickly run into the house to put on her gloves to hold one. This was actually the first time that Tyler did the same. ;-)

Playing with Camryn and Mackenzie (school friends) after school~

Playdate with Lucien (getting ready for their Sea World field trip!).

Best date day with my little guy: Lunch, painting pottery, shopping, and foot massages (he's SO my kid)!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Baby Girl Updates/Pictures

Baby girl isn't even here and I feel like I'm already falling into that category of not documenting much when it comes to baby #3. :-( Our schedule has blown up lately and I'm lucky to just do the things that HAVE to be done on a daily basis. I know I will still photograph her a million times once she is here, however, finding time to share those pictures may be a different story. ;-)

It's almost a wrap for this pregnancy! I cannot believe it! I'm 33 weeks along and have been seeing the doctor every two weeks since March 31 and they'll change to weekly appointments pretty soon. Baby girl has been doing great. She moves pretty often and likes hanging out on my right side. The kids have really enjoyed feeling her bounce around the last few weeks. She doesn't have a name and I'm sure we'll be heading to the hospital with several options in mind, just like we've done before. I think the top two contenders are Brooklyn or Kaitlin (at least these are the two that Travis and I both agree on), but there are several more that I really like- Brielle, Brianna, and Kamryn. It's SO hard to choose a name!! I'm hoping something will just click with us!

I'm feeling huge these days! I had moments of weighing more at a certain point with this pregnancy as opposed to the other two, but now the total weight gain is pretty even with the other two, although, I still feel so much bigger! I am definitely doing the pregnancy waddle and I can remember bragging about how I didn't do that with the other two. I have been having a ton of Braxton Hicks contractions, but the doctor says it's normal. I'm in full on nesting mode and just recently pulled out all of Kinley's teeny tiny newborn clothes. It's so bitter sweet seeing those clothes again. I'm super excited to reuse this baby stuff and really feel like we are getting our money's worth (especially on the gear that we will be using for a third time!), but it's such a reminder of how fast they grow!! I can remember almost every one of those outfits on Kinley. What she was doing, etc. I had hoped to really enjoy everything about this pregnancy, knowing that it would most likely be the last time I experience it, but the truth is, I haven't enjoyed it as much as I did with the other two. It's hard to be pregnant with a very full schedule and two little ones to tend to. And while I still think pregnancy is pretty easy for me, I can tell a huge difference in my body with this pregnancy and my pregnancy with Tyler 7 years ago. Getting older stinks! However, I think my feelings over pulling out the baby clothes has been a reminder to me that this is almost over and I need to enjoy this miracle. I AM going to really enjoy these last few weeks... feeling my baby kick, move and hiccup. I am going to actually enjoy waddling, being uncomfortable, tossing and turning at night and waking up several times to use the restroom. I want to soak up all the attention that comes with this big round belly. I'm just going to try to enjoy it all because I know one day I am going to miss it.

Recap of my last few appointments:
29 week appointment- March 31. Total weight gained: 23lbs. I saw the nurse practitioner on this day and it was a very brief appointment. I had my 2 hour glucose screening test where you have to fast (torture for a preggo chick!) and have your blood drawn three times! Not my most favorite appointment. I gained 7 lbs since the last appointment just three weeks prior. SEVEN! However, I am measuring on schedule.

31 week appointment- April 15. Total weight gained: 24.6lbs and I measured right on schedule at 31 1/2 weeks. I found out that my doctor will be out of town from June 7-17, which means she won't be here for baby girl's birth. I'm pretty disappointed about this. She just happened to be out of town during Kinley's birth as well. It's hard having another doctor that you don't know when you've already established a relationship and trust with someone. My doctor and I have a seven year history. :-( We talked about doing a possible induction a few days before the due date on June 9 or 10, which means I would get to choose the doctor I had based on who was on call that day. I like the idea of the baby choosing her birthday, but I also like the idea of having some type of "plan" for Tyler and Kinley. Travis' birthday is June 9th and he would love to share his birthday with baby girl. I'm not sure what we'll do at this point. Stay tuned!

32 week pictures:

Happy Easter

Morning Easter baskets~

And they're off!

Working hard to get this egg!

Friday, April 18, 2014