Wednesday, June 5, 2013

That's a wrap!

Pre-K is officially over and no-one prepared me for THIS day! I heard tons of emotional stories about the first day of school or pre-k/kindergarten graduation, but where were the warnings that I'd be an emotional mess on the LAST day of school??! I didn't shed a single tear on the first day or on graduation, but I was a hot mess this day. I'm talking full on ugly cry!! I'm talking crazy embarrassing!! It didn't help that people kept hugging me and asking me if I was okay. Uggg... No... I'm clearly not okay! It's safe to say that [I] don't adjust to change well and I just wasn't ready to let this great experience go. :-( The school, and especially Tyler's teacher, will always hold a special place in my heart. It makes deciding where Kinley will go to pre-k pretty darn easy!

The entire Pandas class received their own panda to take home. Tyler named his "Baby Su Lin."

Aubrey and Tyler

Tyler and Joshua A.

School portraits~

Graduation pictures. Seriously, how sweet are these?!?