Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday, Baby Boy~

Dearest Tyler,

You are now FIVE years old! A whole hand old!!! Unbelievable! It’s crazy to think just how fast the past five years have gone by and a little scary to realize that the next five years will go by even faster. Before I know it, you’ll be 10, and then getting your driver’s license, and then graduating high school, and then moving out of the house! I don’t know if I’m ready for all of this yet, but ready or not, you are growing up! I want to go ahead and put this down for the record now that you have [promised] to either live right next door to me or at least really close by when you do decide to move out of the house and this is a promise that I plan to hold you to. ;-) Before I get too far ahead of myself, I’ll just enjoy the now for now.

Five brings on a pretty huge milestone because you are about to head off to kindergarten in just a few months. I know I’m not ready for this one, but maybe I’ll be surprised. I had a hard time letting you go to pre-K this year and that was just two days a week for a few hours, but it turned out to be such a great thing... for both of us! I loved watching you form many friendships and connections all on your own. I loved that you had a sense of schedule and independence. And I loved that you were learning about God and so much more. Much more than what Dora and Diego can teach. ;-) You have enjoyed pre-K so much and I know you will enjoy kindergarten as well. And I know that once the anticipation of kindergarten becomes reality and we settle into our new schedule and routine, I’ll be okay as well. It’s just very hard giving up so much time and handing over so much control to someone else when we’re talking about MY baby. I do think you’ll be in good hands. I wouldn’t let you go if I felt otherwise. We just took a tour of the school (which is top notch, by the way) and I enjoyed sitting back and watching your enthusiasm and excitement for what’s about to come....your classroom, the computer lab, the art room (where you will even get to make pottery!!), the gym, the cafeteria, the playground, and the most awesome library. You really are going to have so much fun! You are going to have new adventures and make new friends. And as you make new friends, I hope that you gravitate towards the people that will lift you up and see you for the sweet, generous, smart, confident, funny, clever, awesome, and cool kid that you are. Don’t let anyone’s words or actions break your self-esteem. Kids can be mean, but don’t let those people dictate your self-worth. You are important!! You are special!! You are loved!! Anyone would be incredibly lucky to have you as a friend. And if/when you do encounter those mean kids, I want you to know that I will always, always be in your corner to listen, guide and protect you... kindergarten and beyond!

These past five years with you have been such a blessing. I feel so lucky to have been able to stay home with you and share this time together... to watch you grow and become such a great kid. And while I'm sad that all of our time won't be spent together once you start school, I am looking forward to sharing an awesome summer with you! We have some really big things planned- Disneyland, South Padre, and a lot of other fun stuff to fill in the gaps! Yes, I'm getting as much quality time as I can get before you head out into the world without me. ;-)

As I close another letter, I want to thank you for another great year filled with beautiful memories. You recently asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. When I told you that I’m doing exactly what I hoped to do, be a Mommy, you replied with, “That’s all?!?" Oh, sweet little dude, you have no idea! I've got the BEST job in the world because of YOU!!! :-)

Happy Birthday, Baby! I love you!

Love, Mommy

Birthday boy waking up!

We had to open "just one" present first thing. The big one had to be opened when Daddy was home. :-)

A quick Super-hero pose before heading off to school!