Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pre-K Graduation!!!

O.em.gee! Tyler is now a pre-K graduate! His school really did a great job with putting this together and making the kids feel special. Tyler was over the moon about receiving his Bible for graduation. The staff wrote sweet and encouraging messages inside the Bible and it only confirms my thoughts of what a perfect fit this place was for us. Loved how wonderful they were with Tyler and I'm thankful for the new friendships we found.

These clips have to be viewed on the PC or device with flash player, but definitely worth checking out!

Class walking in.

And in case you can't tell, Tyler is the second from the left on the bottom row.
Welcome song

Hosanna Rock- repeat from Family Fun night, but this is just his class performing.

How great is our god

LOVE this very short clip of Tyler really getting into the song. :-)

Class slideshow~

With Mrs. Mary Ellen and Mrs. Diane. Our future teachers have some pretty big shoes to fill!

Small reception afterwards~

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Super Something...

Transformers mask: check. Ninja Turtle swords: check. Iron Man arc light: check. Captain America shirt: check. I'm not sure what he's trying to be, but I know it's something SUPER!

Kinley misc.

I love having my camera laying around and catching random shots like this. Kinley is watching a cartoon with her babies. :-)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Let's Play Ball- Round 2

And just like that, t-ball season is over. We had the closing ceremony and trophy award this morning. I'm generally happy and impressed with how Tyler did for his first real go at a sport. There were many times that we had to yell "baseball ready" or tell him to pay attention and quit collecting rocks, etc., but all the kids had a very short attention span for an entire game. When he had the opportunity to play first base or be on the pitcher's mound, where all the action was happening, he really enjoyed it and did great! I personally loved having an excuse to get us out of the house and I'm looking forward to doing it again. Below is a collection of pictures of various positions that he played and with his baseball buds. :-)

Up to bat with a little coaching instruction-

running to first

Playing 1st base~

Playing 3rd base~


Tyler and Trace

Keane and Tyler

On third base, running home~

Playing 2nd base and having a quick conversation with buddy, Jacob, while he's on base. :-)

Jacob and Tyler after the game~

Playing first base again. Love that he has his glove up and is ready for the action!~

More batting fun~

Quick clip of him hitting the ball~

This is what lala land looks like. :-)

Good game, Good game~

Huddle after the game~

Tyler and Trace

with Grandma Dale and Grandpa Bill~

Getting ready for his "pro" baseball pictures~

Group shot

Receiving his trophy at the end of the season~

I loved that he took a second to actually take a look at his trophy. He was SOO proud!