Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kinley's 2 year check-up

Kinley had her 2 year check-up and it was a pretty quick and painless appointment. Getting her weight and height stats have always been very difficult because she's screaming and squirming while I hold her down on the baby scale or stretch her neck to get her height, but now that she's a "big girl," she got to walk right up to the big scale to check her weight and measure her height. She loved it! She weighs 26lbs 8oz (25-50th percentile) and is 33 1.4 inches tall (25-50th percentile). It's only taken her two years to even out. :-) For comparison purposes, Tyler weighed 29lbs (25-50th percentile) and was 37 1/4 inches tall (75-90th percentile) at his 24/30 month check-up (his appt was done closer to 2 1/2 years old because of delaying some vaccines). We have struggled with giving both kids all the recommended vaccines since Tyler was just a baby and as a result/compromise with our pediatrician, both have been on a delayed schedule and don't have all of their shots, but Travis and I recently decided that we need to be done with the vaccines, at least for a good while. Don't worry, I'm not turning into some crazy anti-vaccine person that will flame anyone who chooses to fully vaccinate. We've weighed the pros and cons to both sides and it's just a personal decision... what we feel is best for our children. I will say that a tremendous amount of pressure, stress, and anxiety was immediately lifted off my shoulders when coming to this decision, which reassures me that we're doing the right thing for our family right now. And I'm happy that Travis and I are on the same page for our babies. That's big!! So with all of that said, Kinley didn't receive any shots and she certainly didn't complain about that. :-)