Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy Second Birthday, Baby Girl

It’s your special day and we are celebrating two years with you. Only two years and yet... two whole years! I think only a parent can understand how a length of time can seem so long ago and yet fly by so fast. I would say that the past two years have been anything but easy with you. You are challenging, my dear. Oh so very challenging. It's definitely a good thing I love you unconditionally. :-) You give meaning to the word sassy. You have a temper like no other. You are bossy, persistent, stubborn, loud, opinionated, emotional and very strong willed. And although it’s made for some difficult moments for us, I know that you will channel these traits into something very positive one day. I can see you as this successful, strong and independent woman way down the road and I love that thought!

And in all fairness, things aren’t always rough. We have some really great moments as well! You are generally hilarious! You do the funniest things and make the funniest face expressions. You are so animated. You love to sing and have a really remarkable pitch for a two year old. You prefer rocking out to loud music with your tongue hanging out and your fists in the air. You love dancing and we just started a Mommy and Me dance class and you seem to really enjoy it. You are definitely our family entertainer and yet a little shy and reserved in public. I know that I see you with my mommy glasses, but I’m really not kidding when I say that you are one of the most beautiful little girls I have ever seen! I can assure you that I will always feel this way! The attention you receive over your big blue eyes, smile and dimples, pug nose and blonde curls is crazy! Everyone falls in love with you and it's pretty hard not to with a personality like yours! :-)

You never met my Pappa (Grammy’s dad), but I’d like to think that he and I had a pretty good relationship. Pappa always affectionately referred to me as “the brat” from as long as I can remember and before until he passed away when I was 29. Although I completely disagree (haha), your Daddy thinks that I must have been a true brat at some point for him to give me a nick name that stuck for 29 years. He didn’t even cut me any slack on my wedding day when he told me “Congratulations, brat.” :-) I was just “the brat” and everyone knew that. Funny, if I had to pick one word to (affectionately) describe you, it would be brat. You now get this title! And while you may be a brat a lot of the time, one thing is certain and that is you are MY brat! You are precious to me and I can’t imagine you any other way! Happy second birthday, baby girl. I love you forever and always!

Love, Mommy