Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kinley is 1 year old!

My baby girl is ONE! That still sounds crazy to say! I think I spent a lot of time this past month at either end of this birthday spectrum- either planning for her big birthday party or in complete denial that my baby was about to turn one- and that makes the past month seem a little like a blur. ;-)

We had her one year check-up yesterday and everything went well. She weighs 23lbs 3oz (75%) and she's 28 1/2 inches tall (25%). Stretching out and slimming down. It's funny because even though she's still a big girl, she seems like such a skinny-minny to me as she's shedding a couple of her rolls. For comparison purposes, Tyler weighed 20lbs 9oz (15-25%) and was 30 1/2inches tall (50-75%) at his one year check-up. I still get amused to see them in such different percentiles.

Okay, let me think of all the fun and new things that Kinley is up to these days. She still doesn't seem like she's in any hurry to be walking, however, she is standing on her own for a few seconds at a time and has decent balance. She uses her walker in tiny increments. The first time she used her walker and walked any real distance was in our living room during her birthday party. That was kind of exciting because the grandmas got to share in it. She started giving out kisses on her birthday and I was the lucky first recipient. :-) She got another bottom tooth (3/06), which makes eight pearly whites total. She also figured out how to suck out of a straw and loved that the reward for figuring that out was some of her brother's Icee. She loves passing out high-fives. She continues to be a hard core Momma's girl, but she has taken an extra liking to Travis recently. Saying 'Dada' more often and getting really excited when he comes home in the evening or when I talk to him on the phone throughout the day. However, it stops there. She's stuck to me (and my hip) like glue. :-)

I'm sure as we enter toddler-hood, there will be lots of fun stories to share, but I think this about covers the baby stage. Oh, how I am going to miss these days!!!!

silly girl~