Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Halloween turned out to be a big fat fail for Tyler. Let me back up to last week when I took Tyler to the library for storytime. We don't go there often enough for me to know about any special events and on this particular day, we walked in late and saw about 30 kids sitting on the floor... dressed in costumes! Poor Tyler was so disappointed to not be wearing his Captain America suit, but we were already there and committed. What made it even worse was that each kid got to stand up and tell everyone what they were going to be for Halloween and Tyler kept complimenting the kids while looking at me with the saddest puppy face. He really was disappointed and even though I couldn't have known, I felt like the worst mom ever! **Mommy Fail**

And now lets fast forward to Halloween night. This isn't just some holiday. This is the holiday that my crazy candy eating kid has been looking forward to for forever now. Not only have we had his costume since mid-September, but we pretend and play trick-or-treat on a regular basis around here. He was excited about it and I was even more excited! We were expecting friends to come over and then planned to meet up with Tyler's neighborhood buds and all go out as a group. He started going downhill in a hurry less than an hour before it was time to trick-or-treat, running a fever of 100.6 and crying about everything. He was already in his costume, but insisted that he wasn't going to go trick-or-treating. We gave him Tylenol and he fell asleep on the couch (which never happens!), and woke up just minutes later throwing up. :-( We had to cancel plans with our friends that were already en route to our house and Tyler ended up missing trick-or-treating and hanging out with all of his buddies. Poor guy!! I was so bummed for him and tried to encourage him to go to a couple of houses because he said he felt better after he threw up, but he still wasn't interested. He spent some time in a bubble bath and I ended up taking Kinley around with our neighbors so she could get some candy for her sick bubba. She's such a good little sister. ;-) It was completely bizarre, but when we got home, Tyler seemed back to normal. It was the 24 hour bug that lasted 2 hours... just during trick-or-treating time. What are the odds?? I thought he would be disappointed about missing out, but once he saw all the candy we brought home, I don't think it mattered how/who/what... he had candy! I guess I was the one that was disappointed for him.

I didn't plan on taking Kinley door-to-door beforehand, so it ended up being fun taking her around the neighborhood and letting her soak up a ton of attention from people that haven't seen her yet. I'm just glad that Tyler was able to experience Boo-da Fest and had such a great time there. At least he was able to get dressed up in his costume and do something fun. I guess that doesn't make Halloween a total wash out, but it definitely could have been better for my little guy. Next year...

This is not how I imagined him spending Halloween night~

But, have no fear... our little bumblebee is stepping in to save the day~

She did a great job at getting goodies for her brother~

And he was pretty excited about all those goodies~

Kinley got to sample a sucker for all her effort~

He doesn't look too disappointed, does he??? :-)

Happy Halloween~~