Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkin patch!

The holidays are here and I can hardly contain my excitement!!! I have always loved this time of year, but having little ones to share it with makes it so much more fun! It will be a little different this year with my Grandma losing her home, but we'll still be together and creating new memories. I'm just eager to get all the festivities started (I may have or may not have even purchased a Christmas present for Tyler and Kinley already, haha!). First on our list: a trip to the local pumpkin patch this past weekend.

Tyler was pretty amped up about the pumpkin patch- running from one point to another checking out all the pumpkins.

I thought this was really sweet. This is actually a picture of Travis and Tyler from when we took Tyler to the pumpkin patch for the first time. I had a flash back to this moment when I saw Travis and Kinley (in the following picture) carrying our pumpkin off. It feels just like it was yesterday that we were there with Tyler as a baby and starting our little tradition. Now he's off running and picking out his own pumpkins. They just grow so fast. {sniff...sniff}

Our little pumpkin patch at home. ;-)