Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Look who's driving who!

Before you question... no, Tyler and I are not exceeding the maximum weight limit for this thing. haha. Travis cranked the speed up to 5mph on Tyler's truck and Tyler absolutely LOVES it! I think he's got a little hot rod in him (or is that boys in general???). I didn't think he would be able to handle the speed increase, but he's actually a pretty good driver. The only problem we have is that he's usually too busy peeling out and not listening to us, which gets him in trouble. He enjoys toting me around and I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't fun for me. It makes checking the mail at the end of our street a little more exciting!

*Daddy and Kinley watching... I'm sure it won't be long before Kinley is riding in the back of T's truck!