Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kinley is 3 months old

I don't know how Kinley went from one of the smallest babies I have seen to now one of the biggest (chunky) babies I've seen. She's growing like crazy and weighs about 15 1/2 pounds now. I'm not kidding! I just checked Tyler's stats and he weighed 15lbs 12oz at (four) months and had several inches on this little girl! I forgot to mention in her two month post that she was already wearing 3 mos clothes and to my surprise, she's outgrown most of her 3 mos outfits now {she didn't even get to wear some of them because she was too big by the time I pulled them out!) and has moved on to 3-6 mos outfits. I JUST bought two 6 mos rompers and her thighs are too big for them. It's CA-RAZY!! We had to move her to size 2 diapers about two weeks ago as well! It's pretty entertaining to hear everyone's reaction to her. Family and friends are always commenting and surprised about how chunky she is and strangers assume that she's older than she is. I've recently heard a couple of times, "How old is your baby? 5 or 6 months?" or the shocking "WOW! She's a BIG girl!" when I mention how old she is. haha. I love that she's a chunky monkey and we get to see that she is thriving and healthy. :-)

She's doing A LOT better with everything these days. She's over that constant/horrible grunting and uncomfortableness with gas and is sleeping a lot better. While we are far from a schedule, she is becoming more predictable and will take a decent nap about an hour or so after she wakes up and in the afternoon while Tyler is sleeping. She'll sneak in a few additional cat naps while we're holding her or bouncing her in the bouncer. She has her grumpy/fussy period every night around 8pm and it will last until she finally decides to sleep around 10pm. I can't complain too much about her nights as she's sleeping for about a 5 hour initial stretch and will then wake usually twice with two hours in between before we finally get up. It's pretty similar to Tyler's sleeping pattern at this age, but hopefully, she continues to move in a positive direction and sleeps longer/wakes less unlike Tyler did. Other than the rough couple of hours before bedtime, she's proving to be a pretty sweet and happy girl. She will light up to anyone who pays attention to her and talks to her. She just started cooing and really "talking" to us about a week ago and she has the cutest little voice ever!! She gets so excited and will usually give herself the hiccups when she's cooing or smiling. I've been unsuccessful in getting her to take a paci and it looks like she's probably going to be a thumb sucker. I would definitely prefer she take a paci since I think breaking thumb sucking as opposed to the paci will be a lot harder down the road, but I'm happy that she does have something to help self-soothe right now. Tyler never had anything (by his choice). And, we'll keep trying with the paci to see what happens.

What else... like Tyler as a baby, she will practically try to break her neck to get a glimpse of whatever is on the TV. She just started sitting in her Bebe Pod chair yesterday and really enjoys sitting up, although she looks so uncomfortable because she's just so fat! haha.

Okay... now on to the pictures!

Can you tell she's a happy girl getting to sit up and play with toys???