Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tyler's 3 year pedi appt

In addition to Kinley's two month appointment, Tyler had his three year check-up. I think I can safely say that trying to manage two different appointments and having two kids receive shots at the same time is no fun! Whew! Tyler received a clean bill of health as well. He had his first vision screening today and did excellent. It's 20/40, which is typical for kids his age and should hopefully improve to 20/20 (fingers are crossed as Travis and I both have horrible vision!). I was really impressed with how well he did do on the screening. They assess it by getting the kids to name off the objects they see as opposed to naming letters/numbers and after he would say something, he'd follow it with a story: "a star... that goes way way up in the sky..." It was cute. He got every single object right. He weighs 31 pounds (25-50%) and he is 38 3/4 inches long (75-90%). (I have to laugh at how completely opposite the percentiles were for him and Kinley today). They also assessed his body mass index and he's in the 5-10%. He's my tall and lean kiddo... growing like a weed!