Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kinley is 2 months old!

Two months old! To recap, we took Kinley to see the pediatrician a few weeks ago because of her constant grunting and fussiness and we tried her on an acid reflux medication to see if she could be experiencing some pain due to that. We only tried it for a week or so before taking her off of it because not only was it a struggle to get Kinley to take the medication twice a day, but I didn’t notice any improvement. I did some more research on babies with gas and their signs and symptoms and Kinley fit the description pretty well, so I think that’s been the problem. I still give her gas drops when needed, burp her often, massage her tummy when she’s grunting and give her warm baths to help soothe her and it all seems to help. The good news is that babies usually outgrow this around 2-4 months old so hopefully, she's on the downside of it and it will only get better from here!

She had her two month pedi appointment today and received a clean bill of health. Justin called Kinley a Cabbage Patch the other day and I have to laugh! She DOES look like a Cabbage Patch baby and her weight/length from the appointment today confirm that I do have a short and chubby little Cabbage Patch. :-) She weighs 12lbs. 6oz. (75-90%); is 21 1/4 inches long (10-25%); and her head circumference is 15 1/4 inches (25-50%). For comparison purposes, at Tyler's two month pediatrician appointment, he was 13lbs. 3oz (75%); 23 3/4 inches long (75%); and his head circumference was 15 1/2 inches (25%).

She is really starting to notice objects and recognizes us, especially Tyler. She already seems to really love him! When she’s crying and generally upset, I have Tyler go talk to her because that will usually calm her down a little (and it gives me a slight break!). Haha. She smiles a lot when we talk to her now and it’s super cute! She still prefers being held, BUT she is finally spending time in the swing. One of the very few things we bought for her was a nice swing that was supposed to mimic mom’s motions and she hated it. We got Tyler’s old swing out of the attic and she took a quick nap the first time I put her in it so the new swing went back! The old swing is working out great for my arm breaks and she takes a long nap in it while Tyler is napping so that I can actually work (don’t ask me how I’ve been so lucky to have them both sleeping at the same time, but I have!). (Pam- I bet you didn’t realize how much use we would get out of the swing you guys bought us or how helpful it would be now?!?).

Kinley is sleeping better at night, waking three times during the night and usually with at least one 3-4 hour initial stretch. In general, I think things are getting a little easier with managing both kiddos and we are settling into a very small routine. And now we'll see what the next month brings us.

Enjoy a few pics of my sweet girl~

(Okay, teasing... there is a little resemblance though)

Somebody is showing off their guns~

and photo session is over....