Thursday, March 10, 2011

37 week Pregnancy check-up

Had my 37 week appointment this past Tuesday and there was no change from last week. I'm still 1cm dilated, 60-70% effaced and baby's head is still pretty high, which makes me second guess my thoughts on her coming early. :-( It really is such a guessing game and while the anticipation of the unknown should be exciting to most people, my OCD and controlling nature just doesn't allow for that! haha. If she doesn't make her grand entrance by the 24th (TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY!!!), we are scheduled for an induction that day. I'm hoping she chooses her own birthday before then (and I'm definitely ready!), but I'm such a planner and do feel comfortable having something set so that I can have things more in line for Tyler, etc. Until the 24th, we'll play the guessing game.

There will be no more bare belly pictures as I've recently gotten a few stretch marks on my tummy and I'm very disappointed about them. Between that and the ton of new dark spots/freckles on my face... I'm feeling pretty blah appearance-wise. :-( Oh, the price we have to pay to bring our angels into this world. I can tell from the below pictures that it looks like I'm a little bigger now than I was with Tyler at this point, but it's a completely different story if you compare bare belly pictures. I'm SOO much bigger this time around- it's crazy! Guess the shirt conceals a lot! I'm following the exact same weight gain as I did with Tyler, so I have no idea why I'm so much bigger. And I'm definitely feeling it! I'm so tired and out of breath all the time. Sleeping is a complete j-o-k-e! I toss to each side every few minutes because the pressure on my hips is so painful. It's just a mess. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel though!!! :-)

37 week belly picture:

Comparison with Tyler at 37 weeks: