Wednesday, March 2, 2011

36 week Pregnancy check-up

Okay, I feel like we're officially on a countdown here!!! I have started my weekly doctor appointments which include the not-so-fun pelvic exams, but even that's okay because it means we're almost done! Hooray!! I had my 36 week appointment this past Monday and to my surprise, I was 1cm dilated and 60% effaced. Well, I half-way say 'to my surprise.' I have been feeling some pressure and pains, so I was thinking that there may be a little progress, but I was still surprised considering I never had any progress with Tyler. Even three hours after my water broke with him, there was no progress! I was quickly reminded by my doctor to not get excited about this because I could stay like this for the next several weeks and I know that, but it's hard to not be a little excited. It's 1cm down and only 9 to go! ;-) Despite all the pressure I have been feeling, baby's head is not engaged yet, but she is in the head down position and getting ready! Her heart rate slowed back down to the 140s and everything else seems good.

We're now at the point of just sitting and waiting. I feel like everything is done and I'm ready to bring her home! It feels so surreal that within the next few weeks, we'll have another baby. It's sometimes hard to grasp how things will be so different. How our whole family dynamic and routine will change again. When we were pregnant with Tyler, I never worried about the change. It was a change that Travis and I were long overdue for and one that I desperately wanted. And while I'm very excited about this new change, I find myself getting a little sad when I realize that it won't just be Tyler and myself anymore. That I will have to share my time now and I don't know how Tyler will handle that (or how I will for that matter). I know that he and I will lose a little of our closeness as him and Travis probably spend more time together while I tend more to the baby. His entire little world is about to change and I just want it to be a really easy transition for him.

And the truth is, I'm probably worrying more than I should about this. Tyler really does seem excited about his baby sister and is always telling me about all the things he will do for her (rock her, change her diaper, give her a bottle, etc). I know he's going to be a great big brother! Tyler definitely loves his loveys, so I let him pick out the first one for baby sister. He chose this cute kitty and plans to bring it with him to the hospital to give to her. :-)

And when he wasn't around, I got matching giraffes for both of them... so cute! :-)