Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First hair bow

I'm already having fun with bows, ruffles and PINK!

My blackmail picture of Tyler when he's older. haha!

Our first week with Kinley

Our first week with Kinley has been great... our first week with Tyler AND Kinley has been a little challenging. Kinley is definitely a lot easier than Tyler was as a baby and does the normal eat, sleep, poop and she's not very fussy unless she's hungry or needs a diaper change. She seems really laid back and sweet so far, which has made the adjustment from being a mommy of one to two pretty easy (and I SO deserve an easy baby this time, so I'm hoping she stays like this!). At her 3 day old pediatrician appointment, she weighed 5lbs, 12oz and was 18 1/2in long. At her one week appointment, she weighed 6lbs, 9oz (10-25%), she was still 18 1/2in long (0-5%) and her head measured 13 1/2in (10-25%). I already know that those percentiles can change drastically with every appointment, but wow(!).... it's crazy to see such low percentiles when I'm used to seeing Tyler in the 50% for weight and anywhere from 75-90% for height. She's just a teeny tiny thing.

I feel like a single parent when it comes to Kinley right now. We came home from the hospital last Wednesday night and Travis went to work 1/2 day on Thursday and Friday and then started working all day this past week. We decided it would be better for him to take a few days off work next week while my brother is visiting, so I was kind of thrown into figuring this all out by myself right away. Travis is still sleeping with Tyler in his room, which has left me to tend to Kinley 100% during the night and when Travis gets home in the evening or on the weekend, he takes over duty with Tyler and they either go somewhere or play, which still leaves me tending to Kinley. And like I said, she isn't much trouble, but it's just so different this time around with having to meet Tyler's needs as well. It has split mine and Travis' time. What has been really nice about Travis being so helpful with Tyler is that it has really given me an opportunity to bond with Kinley. In the middle of all the chaos, there's time for me to just sit and nurse her in quiet, take pictures, or just simply admire her just as I was able to do with Tyler when he was a baby. So, I'm grateful for that and I think our situation is working for now.

Tyler has been really good with his baby sister. He's gentle with her, he gets concerned when she's upset and sings 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' to her, he has an interest in helping me with her (he pulls his step stool over to the changing table to watch me change her, etc.), he even held her little hand while we were at the pedi office and they had to prick her heel for the newborn screen. What he hasn't been so great about is listening to Travis or myself. We have to ask him 10 times to do anything, usually threatening him with time out or something before he finally listens, he will purposefully do the exact opposite of what we tell him and he's become louder than ever while playing. I know that he's just looking for more attention, but it's really wearing on our patience. I know we'll settle back into a norm soon and I'm hoping soon comes really soon. Until then, we'll continue to manage. ;-)

This poor girl is always getting the hiccups~

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kinley's birthday!!

Here's how we started out our day on March 15, 2011...

And, here's how we ended it...

We're a family of FOUR! So crazy! So exhausting! So fun! So exciting! Our little girl surprised us and came 11 days early. Miss Kinley Morgan was born March 15th at 5:52pm and weighed in at 6lbs and measured 19 3/4in long. (**At her 3-day old pediatrician appt., they said the hospital must have mis-measured her in a hurry and she actually measured 18 1/2in long). Regardless, she's a tiny thing! You always hear that the pregnancy/labor experience can be different each time, but Kinley's birth was identical to Tyler's birth and I feel SO lucky to have had it relatively easy, or at least what I consider easy, both times! Kinley and I were both doing so well and we were discharged from the hospital when she was 24 hours old (as opposed to staying in the hospital for the standard two nights). It was great to bring our baby girl home! I'm in complete awe of her. She's so small and cute and sweet and alert. I just love her!

Here's our short journey...

Baby sister gave Tyler his own camera and three of his favorite Thomas the Train engines. He loved them! :-)

So, there you have it. Short labor, easy delivery, easy recovery, short hospital stay, sweet baby girl.... I'm already ready for baby #3!!! ;-)