Monday, November 1, 2010

It's a GIRL!

There's no more guessing... we had our ultrasound today and we're clearly having a GIRL!! Tyler became our Little Dude as soon as we found out he was a boy and we have affectionately started calling our girl, Little Miss. :-) I have to admit that I'm a bit surprised by finding out that we'll be shopping for pink this time. I almost feel like all I know is having a boy and this will be something completely new. It's exciting, nonetheless! Our Little Miss appears to be perfectly healthy and she has a good, strong heartbeat. I am 19 weeks, 2 days and she measures slightly smaller at 18weeks, 3 days. She looked very content and chill as she yawned throughout the ultrasound (which is completely opposite of when we saw Tyler on ultrasound!). My fingers are crossed for a more laid back and easy baby and if the ultrasound gives any indication as to how babies will be, I think we'll get just that. :-)

A side profile of our Little Miss~

One of the many yawns she displayed during our ultrasound~