Thursday, November 11, 2010

Did I mention, we're having a GIRL?!?

I don't think I realized how much I may have been hoping for another boy (subconsciously) until after I found out we were having a girl. Don't get me wrong, I have ALWAYS dreamed of having a girl, but after having Tyler, I envisioned us with three kiddos, two boys first and then we'd all spoil our little girl last. Aside from the financial benefits of having another boy right now, I was really looking forward to Tyler having a brother/best friend/playmate to grow up with. However, over this past week, Tyler has been SOOOOOOO sweet towards the idea of having a baby sister and it just melts my heart when he mentions something about HIS "baby sit-ter." He started asking me more questions about her today- 'Where is she?' 'Can she come out of your tummy now?' 'Does she eat lunch?' Just cute stuff. He had his hands on my belly and I would push it out and tell him that she was saying 'hi' to us. He got the biggest kick out of that! Out of no where, he put both of his hands around my belly, gets real close and says, "I love you, baby sit-ter." Ugggg... I called Travis immediately and told him how much I LOVE(!!!) that we are having a little girl!! Hearing Tyler say that instantly changed my thoughts on what the "ideal situation" for us would be. THIS IS IT!!! Tyler will have plenty of friends/playmates, but now he will have a little sister to adore and love and our Little Miss will have a big brother to lean on and look up to. It suddenly feels right and life is great!

Oh- and I think it goes without saying that girl clothes are sooooo cute! Tyler and I have been indulging in a little shopping. :-)