Sunday, May 2, 2010

Second Birthday Party!

We had a fun birthday celebration yesterday for Tyler at our house with our family and closest friends. It was very similar to his party last year, but it was about half the size (37 people), which made it so much more manageable and allowed us to visit with everyone more. :-)

Tyler was VERY excited about having a party this year and having some of his "fends" over to play with. We all had a great time! Thank you to everyone that came and shared in another special moment with us!

And like last year, here are a ton of pictures (and would you believe that I feel like I didn't take enough pictures? I was too busy visiting and missed a lot of the action)!

~Travis grilled hamburgers and turkey dogs. We had pasta, potato salad, chips, several dips, a yummy cake, cake balls and chocolate covered strawberries. Too much food and it was all so good!

The kids having some fun in the bounce house~

A few of the partygoers that made it into pictures~

Here's my attempt at a group picture of Tyler and his friends. We missed a few kiddos, but I was still impressed that I got these!

Some pinata fun! I managed to find an indestructible one! :-)

No cake smashing for us this year~

I thought Tyler would be excited to open up his gifts, but he didn't have a lot of patience for it. He was more interested in socializing with his friends that were there. Just like last year, I ended up opening almost all of the gifts. He got some great things this year: a playhouse and grill, a lawnmower, a picnic table, a bouncy horse, a soccer set, cars, bubbles, summer water toys, some great books and puzzles, a homemade super hero cape and cute summer clothes. He's such a lucky little boy!

Here are a few pictures of him attempting to open/help with some of his gifts.

This is what happens when you party too hard! :-)

However, Tyler was ready to get the party started again after his nap!