Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy Second Birthday, Baby!

Two!!! I have such a hard time believing that it has already been two years since you were born. I often find myself missing the little baby that you used to be, but I wouldn’t trade where we are now for anything in the world. I love watching you grow, learn and experience everything. You bring so much excitement and happiness to our lives and I’m loving and appreciating every minute of it. I have also come to realize that no matter how old and big you get, you will always, always be my baby boy...

This past year has flown by and you have changed so much in that time. You are such a handsome boy and you are always receiving compliments. It makes me feel so proud and lucky. You have turned into this little independent person, determined and decisive, sweet and generous. You are innocent, full of mischief and love. You surprise us everyday by doing or saying something new. You have mastered running, jumping, dancing, talking, singing, feeding yourself, brushing your teeth, sorting shapes, naming colors, throwing and kicking a ball, and everything else in between. You have done all of this effortlessly- almost like you had a list of things to accomplish and you crossed them off one by one. Daddy and I couldn’t be more proud of you and your accomplishments.

You have become quite a good helper! You love helping me cook, unload the dishwasher, set the table, fold clothes, vacuum, sweep and water plants. You love helping Daddy make coffee, mow the yard, feed Cooper and wash and brush Cooper. I think we all make a great team and I definitely hope that you are as eager to help with these chores as you get older!

I love that you and I still have snuggle time in the mornings. I love when you run up to me and give me a big hug or kiss on your own- my heart melts every time. I love that you love your lovey- I think it shows a sweet and sensitive nature about you. I love that you have a contagious laugh and smile just like your Daddy. I love when you put your boogers on Daddy- haha. I love when we all play hide-n-seek. I love tickling you. I love that you have taught me to enjoy the simple things like taking a walk, playing in the dirt, blowing bubbles and eating popsicles. I love that you are a messy boy. My list of things that I love about you could go on and on, but in short, I adore absolutely everything about you. You have blessed me with happiness beyond what I could have ever imagined.

We have made some wonderful memories this past year and I am looking forward to another year of watching you grow and making many more beautiful memories as a family.

I wish you another year of love and happiness. Happy Birthday, Baby. I love you always.
