Monday, February 8, 2010


I always hear, "Tyler is such a mini-Travis!" or "He looks a lot like you... he has your eyes" or "He's such a good combination of you and Travis." Which is it? With Justin hanging around, we've been going through a lot of old photos, so I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of Travis and I when we were little. I personally think that Tyler favors my side of the family more. ;-)

Here's baby Travis:

And here's baby Krista:

Toddler Travis- Awww

And Toddler Krista

Since the day that Tyler was born, I have said that I think he looks like my brother, Brent. Here are a couple of pictures of little Brent.

I want to try and find some more pictures of Brent, but my parents were horrible about taking care of the few pictures they did take of us growing up (you know it's true!). I think it's safe to say that Tyler will never tell me I failed at that. haha. (I still love you, Mom & Dad- just slightly bitter about the lack of childhood photos) ;-)

And just because... I LOVE these pictures of my mom and Grandma. They were both babies here, I can't believe it. My mom was probably 18, my grandma was 33 and I'm 3.

And another favorite of me. :-)