Sunday, July 26, 2009


You would never know that we DO use a pest service. Tyler had his first run in with the dreaded fireants while playing by some rocks in our backyard. Travis and I were right there with him and when Travis looked over, they were swarming the rocks and unfortunately, Tyler's feet! It was so sad, but he was such a trooper. Not a single tear shed. I counted approximately 40 bites on his little feet, along with a few on his leg and hand. Thank goodness he wasn't allergic! And speaking of our worthless pest service, Tyler usually finds some little bug in the house daily and is very quick to point this out. Whenever he spots a bug, he will come running up to me and he starts pointing where the bug is while saying "Ehhh, Ehhhh, Ehhh." Of course, he's overly dramatic about it, but it's fun because I get to play the role of 'Super Mom' and get rid of the bug. Although, the other day, he had a wooden spoon that he was banging on the kitchen floor as hard as he could. I finally took it away from him and he then alerted me of the bug situation. When I went to look, he had smashed the bug into a hundred different pieces with that wooden spoon. I couldn't help but laugh!

He did enjoy his first soothing bubble bath as a result. (Which he loved!) The warm water helped with the irritation and to break open the ant bites.