Thursday, July 30, 2009

15 months old

Another month has passed and Tyler is 15 months old! If I only had a dime for every time I say, "Time is going by so fast" or something to that effect.......

We've had another fun month (as I always say as well). It's true though- with each day, we have so much more fun! He is more interactive, makes up his own silly games to play, is able to let us know what he wants, does things that we ask, and is able to assist us in doing little things that make a big difference (blowing his nose, brushing his teeth, throwing his diaper or trash away, putting his dirty clothes in the hamper, getting his shoes, etc). He is such a comedian and thrives on attention. If he sees that he is able to make you laugh, he acts even more silly to get you to continue laughing at him.

He has added 'up' to his vocabulary and still has a long list of things that he is trying to say. I'm waiting for him to just mutter out a complete sentence to me any day! He can point to his: ears, eyes, nose, tongue, belly and toes and he will point to those features on Travis or myself as well. He holds up one finger when I ask to see 'one.' He is using a fork with meals now and knows the difference between dinner and dessert (he'll gladly take that "one last bite and then we can have dessert.") He's been teething this entire month. He cut a top and bottom molar on the same side and it seems like they are taking forever to fully come in. His gums have been very inflamed and swollen for weeks and only a small portion of the tooth has broken the surface. He's not nearly as bothered by it now as when they first started coming in though.

His new obsessions are watering the plants (well, watering anything as long as HE gets the water hose) and pretending to drive my car or Travis' truck. He loves sitting on our lap and pushing every button or pulling every lever there is. And you guessed it, these are what we see the big tantrums over now (when it's time to end either activity).

We finally added more cabinet locks in the kitchen and bathroom and even got a gate for the top of the staircase. We're slow at this baby proofing, but it is happening. Of course, Tyler is already trying to figure out how he can open the cabinets and I have a feeling that it won't be long before he does.

I'm sure I'm leaving out a million things, but this pretty much sums up our munchkin for the past month.

smartie pants~

some of our everyday fun~

dizzy phone call and dancing~