Monday, March 30, 2009

11 months old

The big achievement for Tyler last month was walking and he's starting out this month by sprinting. Okay, not really, but he's completely mobile now! There's no walking just to Mommy and Daddy- he goes wherever he pleases. I still get nervous when I see him take off on his own and I'll rush to him in case he falls and he looks at me like, "I've got this under control, Mom." And he does! We still haven't put him in shoes because he's completely content being barefoot, but I think we'll do some shopping this weekend.

I'm also excited to share the next big achievement regarding our sleeping situation! We started the new arrangement eight nights ago and so far... great! The arrangement: I sleep upstairs in the guest bedroom while Travis sleeps with Tyler in our bed. Travis brings Tyler to me if he gets too fussy and won't fall back asleep and I'll nurse him and then Travis will try to get him to sleep again. I went from waking up every 1- 1 1/2 hours on Friday night (and way too many nights before) to Travis waking me up twice on Saturday night and only ONCE on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night! We're back up to two times, but I'm completely okay with that! In hindsight, I think the problem with Tyler's frequent night waking was that he had access to the boob. He knew it was right there and would wake for it out of comfort. I really wish we would have tried this sooner and who knows what would have happened. Tyler and I are both feeling more refreshed now and my dark circles are slowly going away (yeah!). The next transition is to move him to his crib and to stop the night feedings. Slowly, we're getting there!

We have five teeth now and counting. I just started brushing his teeth with baby toothpaste a couple of nights ago and he loves this new evening routine. Some of his favorite foods this month are: LOTS of vegetables (spinach, cauliflower, broccoli), tomatoes, spaghetti, pizza, tator tots, yogurt and yogurt melts, and chocolate pudding. He's very generous with his food and likes to share it with us.

Daddy and Tyler have become best buds and I'm not complaining because it provides me with a much needed break when Travis gets home! However, the sweetest thing that Tyler has recently learned to do is give kisses, but he only gives them to ME! He's my little sweetie! :-)


In action~

This is what happened when I left Tyler alone for 30 seconds to use the bathroom. (And you can see the great job that Daddy does at matching his clothes-haha)

He LOVES these yogurt melts and started stuffing his cheeks full when I started picking them up to put back in the bag. What a little stinker!

Pics and video for Grammy- he loves the bubble machine now. :-)