Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October Misc & iPhone pics


Sweet girl took a fall in the rocks at Bubba's baseball game~

The boys started a savings from washing cars in the hood.  I borrowed $20.00 and left an IOU note.  Love Tyler's note back to me.... "Explain why emptey" and then he crossed out my 20.00 and put $50!  HaHa!

Rain delay for baseball = all the kids piled into my car to watch a movie~

Aunt Barb and Aunt Pat came to visit~

I can only laugh at the pictures that Brooklyn's teacher sends out. She either doesn't have her eyes open or does a goofy smile. Homegirl acts like I don't take a million pictures of her all.the.time!

Kinley is loving her wavy hair after a bun

Beautiful girls getting ready for school and woohoo for needing a jacket in the AM!

I snuck up on Brooklyn when they were lining up from recess

B and Monroe watching the train go by


Salt Lick~

Caleb's birthday at Blazer Tag

We did fancy nails for Kinley and Brooklyn

I knew that she peeled her nails off right away (she always does even though she promised me she wouldn't). Look how sneaky she is trying to be!

Brooklyn's dentist appointment


Sloane's birthday

Our insane costume pile!

Brooklyn is always putting on a show

naked butt

Cutest little apple tree song ever~

Playing on the iPad


Peeking through the window at Kinley's dance class~

This kid can be so dang cute and then a little terror!