Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Brooklyn's First Day of Pre-K

Well, here we go!!! I have had kiddos at the house for over 10 years and now my baby is starting pre-k!! (insert so many tears here!!) I have been back and forth about Brooklyn starting pre-k this year (imagine that!!) because I'm not 100% sure if she will start kinder next year since she has a summer birthday. I didn't want her to do two years of pre-k and have been feeling pressure to try and figure out kindergarten so we could figure out pre-k. I always seem to make things harder than they need to be. I still don't have a clue about kindergarten, but I do know that she will have such a great time in pre-k with her friends now. If we decide to hold off on kindergarten, we'll look into something different to do next year. However, the pouring rain and delay this AM made me wonder if God was trying to tell me to keep her home. Ha. She woke up happy and ready to take on this new adventure. It's finally her turn to go and even though it's only two days a week, my heart is going to miss her so much!!

Getting her stuff ready for the day~

Question of the day- "How do you feel today?"

She chose excited!

Her classroom "job" is monitoring the play dough.  Score!!

Our cute photo shoot after school and after the crazy rain~

After school treats!

I went to a Boo-Hoo breakfast with some other moms that sent their last baby to pre-k as well. :-(