Sunday, September 30, 2018

September Misc & iPhone pics

Three little monkeys

Ethan's birthday~

Pre-K school fun~ with Ainsley

Cafe Monet with Makenzie

Another fun pre-k day!

Tyler is giving baseball another shot!

This girl cracks me up!  What a stinker!

We are now doing play dates at Chick-fil-A and then Lowes and Home Depot. HaHa!

My house shopping buddy~

Kinley finally pulled her front tooth.

I offered up all kinds of things to get her to pull out her other tooth before school picture day. HaHa! She pulled it out the night before pictures! I am completely obsessed with her new smile! Really obsessed! Her permanent ones are already moving in so I know this will be short-lived.

Cute video with her missing teeth

Crazy hair day at school~


The bugs are awful on the way to Port A right now.  So gross! We had to stop on the way for a car wash!

Brooklyn is always singing me her songs

Tyler reciting his school Colt pledge. I needed to write it down for the yearbook and then realized that this is the last year he will say this. Boo.

Kinley's video skills

"World Smile Day"

Hunting and Port A

Travis, Tyler and Grandpa Bill made a trip to Dalhart, TX to do some pronghorn hunting, while the girls and I made a trip to Port A to celebrate our neighbor's birthday and of course, have an excuse to play around at the beach house!

Success in Dalhart!

Port Aransas

Our sleeping situation at the beach house. :-)

We got the house painted and it looks so much better!