Monday, August 27, 2018

First day of 2nd and 5th grade

I am already SO emotional over this school year and it hasn't even started yet! Ugh! Tyler's last year in elementary school, Kinley's last year downstairs (the fun stops when you go upstairs to 3rd grade!) and Brooklyn starting pre-school has me on an uncontrollable emotional roller coaster. I mean, I always have the first day of school blues, but this one is big! All of the kids are excited about this year though! Tyler and his friends are finally the big kids on campus and he's in class with his buddy, Ryan. Kinley has the sweetest 2nd grade teacher (Mrs. Simmons was also Tyler's 2nd grade teacher) with her good friends, Kenzie and Brooke. I know they will both have such a great year!

Look how big they are! And Kinley with her little heels!!

with Jacob

with Cash

Ms. Wilson

Ms. Perez

Mrs. Simmons

with Kenzie

We aren't allowed to walk in to grab kids after school any more.  Pick up line was insane!

B just passed out

After school snow cone treats

with Ambrie and Monroe

Boys recapping their first day