Saturday, December 9, 2017

Snow Day!

Our Texas weather keeps things exciting! We got an unexpected winter wonderland treat and when I say unexpected, I mean completely unexpected! They forecasted some rain, which could possibly bring a few flurries around our area. We were sitting at Kinley's gymnastics class when a few flurries actually were falling outside. It was so cute to see all the girls pressed up against the window and watching because it's not something we usually see. It melted before it ever hit the ground and ended just as quick as it started. And we were so excited about that! We came home to get Tyler ready for his jujitsu class and opened the front door to what looked like a blizzard coming through! No warning or heads up from the weather people at all! Needless to say, we skipped jujitsu and put on all the warm clothes and headed outside to play! We ended up getting over three inches of snow and school was cancelled the next day! Warm clothes, gloves, blankets, movies, hot chocolate, friends, Christmas tree and decor, white backdrop... Yes, Please! I don't usually like surprises, but this one was great!! (However, I'm glad it only lasted two days because the snow brought loads of laundry with it!) :-)

Day two!

Kinley will always be our wild child. HaHa! Check out the video!