Saturday, October 31, 2015

October Misc and iPhone pics

Kids playing around while we were killing a few minutes in a parking lot~

Brooklyn getting in on the flag football huddle action at Tyler's Cub Scouts~

Playdate at Vox's house

Cash playing at our house

Star Wars reading day at Tyler's school with Lucas

My girls

Brooklyn loves putting this movie box on her head??

Silly girl

This is the stuff that kills me! I feel like the end of my baby cuddling days are hanging over me like a dark cloud! Why can't they stay snuggly babies longer?? :-(

Our baby gate is really effective!

Tyler loves the bread at Salt Lick!

Lucas' birthday party

Again with my sleepy baby.

I don't get the credit for these pictures. Travis was pretty excited to capture this lunar eclipse/blood moon.

Trying out different camera settings

Seriously, sweet!

Great day for a spin

Brooklyn changed her mind

All clean and ready for bed

Brooklyn is more excited about the drive this day. :-)