Thursday, September 10, 2015

Brooklyn is 15 months old

Brooklyn is 15 months old! This month has been a little more difficult. She's still screaming out loud and gets pretty frustrated about things. I know that it's just because she wants to do more than she physically can and she wants to communicate more than she can, but wow! She is developing a little attitude. She kinda flipped a switch when she turned one. I feel like she was so easy that first year and she's making up for a little bit of it. We're also trying to get into a routine now that Tyler and Kinley have started school and I know that's a little hard for her. I wake her up about 7am and she goes down for a nap about 11-11:30 and on good days, will usually sleep for two hours. Then we are out the door at 1:45 to pick up the kids from school. She has been having separation anxiety for months, but now that we are back up at the school and people are trying to talk to her/hold her (the same people that she used to freely go to every day), she's really freaking out! She doesn't want anything to do with anyone except me or Travis. She's doing that fun toddler thing where she doesn't want me to hold her when we're out and squirms and fusses her way out of my arms. It's all been a little challenging lately. However, I still say that all of her difficultness is easy to deal with in comparison to what we're used to with the kids. And she still does so many cute things that we quickly forget that she has us all in a frenzy. She says: hi, up, down, dogga and peek-a-boo (peet-a-bah). It seems like she knows more of what we're saying or asking these days. She still loves her fruit and corndogs. She's starting to smile for the camera on her own. Look at this smile....
