Friday, July 10, 2015

Brooklyn is 13 months old

Brooklyn is 13 months old now. Having her birthday party two weeks after her birthday let me pretend that she was still a baby for a little bit longer. :-) I've been in denial that she's really ONE year old, but her party sealed the deal. I'm happy that she's feeling so much better and we're enjoying summer time! She's legit walking now. She's slow and falls down a lot, but she's able to get to places now. She isn't a fan of shoes at all and it's been a struggle to try to get them on her. She can climb up the staircase and started trying to come back down them on her belly. I’m not quite ready for her to be so mobile! Tyler started swim lessons and we’ve been at the pool a lot. She loves the water, but she hates being in the floatie so that’s a struggle. We dealt with this with Tyler and Kinley as well! She’s content playing on the steps with her toys though. We pulled out the old water table and she loves that!! She would be happy to sit and splash water all day. We spend a lot of time outside in the evening and she enjoys playing in the little coupe, swinging and sliding down the little slide. Travis has her looking for geckos on the front porch in the evenings. She knows where they hide and points to their spots. I’m not necessarily a fan of geckos, but it’s been Travis’ thing with each of the kids about this age, so I guess I do have a little soft spot for those lizards. Completely different story if they wind up in my house though!!  She’s trying to mimic us now and brushes her hair, washes her belly in the bath, and tries to take her clothes off. She started saying “uh-oh” about everything and she makes the little Indian sound when we tap on her mouth. All so cute! She’s eating more table foods, but still loves her pouches. She loves turkey meat, soft carrots and strawberries right now. The not fun thing that Brooklyn has started is screaming. She’s doing it to get attention, get our attention, because she wants something, because she’s mad, and just because. For someone that has been relatively quiet for the past year, she has sure surprised us lately. I'm hoping that now that she's feeling a little better, she'll quit yelling at us. :-)

(First videos of Brooklyn's first steps)

(Blowing kisses video)