Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Happy First Birthday, Baby B!

Today, you are ONE! It’s a little surreal to really think about. There was a time when I wondered if being a family of four was enough. There was a time when I didn’t know if I’d ever write another first birthday letter or plan a first birthday party again. I can’t even express how thankful I am that Daddy and I followed our hearts and because of that, today, we get to celebrate you… a whole year of YOU! And what a year it has been! For me, it’s been a parallel of the hardest year and the best year. We just lost my grandma (Mamma)... your great-grandma. She was the closest person that I have been to my whole life and it makes me so sad that you didn't get to know her. Don't worry, I have a lot of great stories to tell you about her!! She shared the news with us that she had lung cancer when you were only two weeks old and it has been tough since. However, despite the sadness and hard days before and after her passing, you have been the sweetest blessing that I could have ever imagined. You made Mamma so happy during the time that you did get to spend with her and you are always giving me a reason to smile and laugh. You remind me that I have so many things to be thankful for and to look forward to.

If only we knew then what we know now, our thoughts and decision to add to our family would have been A LOT easier! You are the easiest baby ever and we often joke that after our baby days with your brother and sister, we deserve it!! So, thank you! :-) You are also the most loved baby ever! Your big brother melts over everything you do and will just sit and admire you. Your big sister is a proud big sister! She loves on you and is always looking for your affection. Your daddy is already wrapped around your tiny finger. He says that you are the only one that actually liked him as a baby, haha, and he's soaking you up! You are my baby and my little love bug. Always cuddling and snuggling with me. I will always cherish our late evenings together this past year. While the house was sleeping, we were up... playing with toys, playing in the bath, watching TV, folding clothes (you love sorting clothes and trying to put everything over your head!), and taking videos and pictures. You are often my calm to the storm that your 7 year old brother and 4 year old sister can create. When things get loud and crazy, we hide out in my bedroom and nurse any cares away in peace and quiet. You are sweet and gentle. You go with the flow and rarely put up a fuss. You make this mommy of three gig look pretty darn easy and it has been so nice to sit back and enjoy these baby moments with you without the stress and worry that often comes with being a first time mom.

I just wish these baby days could last a little longer. I know that we are leaving behind such a special phase, but I also know that we're entering into another exciting phase as a "toddler." You have just recently taken your first steps and I know that you'll soon be off and running and exploring the world. You are saying momma so clearly now and I know other words are on the tip of your tongue. You enjoy picking up a book and looking at each page and I know that it won't be long before you are actually reading those books. You are moving forward full speed ahead!

Sharing this past year with you has been so wonderful. You have brought so much joy into our family during a time that could, otherwise, be a lot sadder. I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for you!

Happy First Birthday, sweet, baby girl. I love you!



Look at you taking a few steps on your birthday!