Friday, April 10, 2015

Brooklyn is 10 months old

The past month has been pretty fun with Brooklyn. She's so happy and now that she's mobile, she's even happier. She's crawling everywhere and she's getting fast! Of course, she's also into everything! She has been able to pull herself up onto the first stair and has fallen off a few times. Even though she cries and cries when she falls, she continues to head straight for that first step! I introduced her to the our awesome Tupperware cabinet. HaHa! Seriously, she loves pulling out all the Tupperware like Tyler and Kinley did. It's my dinner making saving trick! She started waving 'bye bye' (on March 19th) and it may be one of the cutest things! She just flops her little hand around with a Kool-Aid smile because we're cheering her on! She has a sweet routine at bedtime. We walk upstairs to tuck Tyler and Kinley in bed (they are sharing a room for bedtime and Travis lays in there until Kinley falls asleep) and as soon as we head towards the door to leave, she immediately starts waving bye to everyone. We say, "Night, night, bye, bye" and she loves it! She still gets crazy excited about bath time and now that she can crawl into the bathroom, she's always turning the water for the tub on and off. She just started eating Puffs and we recently found out that she loves Cheetos (don't judge... third baby problems). She started shaking her head yes a couple of days ago, but I can't figure out if she actually knows what she's doing.

Our schedule has been very busy the past week and a half with us being in Bastrop everyday to visit with my grandma. I have really been able to see Brooklyn display separation anxiety during this time. She's not nearly as excited to see our family as she was a couple of months ago. When someone tries to take her or if I try to pass her off, she clings to me and buries her little head in my chest. I'm appreciating the extra snuggle time and attention that I get from it! She started doing this in the morning at Tyler's school as well. She has always freely gone to one of the teachers while I walk Tyler into class and get him settled and now she starts to whine when she thinks that someone is going to take her.

She had her first ear infection, which was actually a double ear infection. Two kids with ear infections in less than two weeks isn't any fun! Poor baby was up all night just crying in pain. Travis and I took turns rocking her and holding her. She was absolutely exhausted. She was running a low fever and threw up twice. I took her into Urgent Care as soon as they opened and they put her on antibiotics. After a good day on meds, she was feeling a lot better and back to her happy self.

Happy 10 month old~