Friday, February 13, 2015

Brooklyn is 8 months old

Baby B is 8 months old now. Another month has flown right on by! Everything is still going great. We just got back from the pediatrician a few days ago because she had been pretty fussy for a couple of days and wasn't sleeping very well at night, so I suspected an ear infection or something, but everything checked out perfect and the doctor pointed out that her little upper right lat incisor had just barely broke the surface (2/6). So it appears that teething was the cause of her fussiness. Her left lat incisor followed and came in on Valentines Day. That's 6 teeth total! She's way a head of the teething game- At 8 months old, Kinley had three teeth and Tyler had none! And despite the past few days of her being a little irritable, you wouldn't even know that she had all these teeth coming in. Bless her happy, little heart!

A few new fun things: She's sitting up so well and just recently started sitting up in the shopping cart when we buy groceries or sitting in a high chair when we're at a restaurant. She enjoys looking out and not being confined to her carseat so much! And now that people can see her out, she's getting a ton of attention! :-) She's rocking on all fours, but not crawling. I can tell that she wants to move, but her body doesn't cooperate. She'll lunge forward and fall on her face and gets frustrated by this. She's still rolling around to get where she wants to be. She is such a fan of bathtime, it's so cute! I'll take her into the bathroom and lay her down and ask her if she wants to take a bath and she gets so excited! Something about splashing around!! I joke with everyone that she was definitely a puppy in her past life! She is always sticking her tongue out and to the side. She even pants like a puppy sometimes! HAHA! And actually, we used to tease my Grandma a lot because when she's real focused, she'll bite her tongue and stick it out and to the side. (I'm sure she'll appreciate me sharing this- HA!). Fun genetics?! Either way, it's so stinkin' cute when Brooklyn does it!

She started eating Yogurt melts and loves them!! She's doing more mixed fruit pouches and is still sampling things that we eat.

I think she's starting to have a little separation anxiety. She has always gone to someone else so easily and freely. She has recently started reaching back for me immediately after I pass her off and starts to get whiny. I stay right beside her, but try to not to grab her right away, unless she really starts to cry, because I have loved that she's okay with other people. We'll see if it's a quick phase! Everything else is great!

I couldn't resist... a cute picture for Valentines! :-)