Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thanksgiving in Bastrop

Well... my grandma recently received some bad news regarding her cancer and treatment. After responding so well to chemotherapy, the doctor reduced her chemo and unfortunately, her tumor grew a little in size instead of shrinking. :-( They have given her a small break in treatment before attempting radiation, so she decided to come home for a couple of weeks. We moved our Thanksgiving plans up since she won't be here on Thanksgiving.

She has such a positive attitude and she's ready to get back after the treatment! We are cheering her on!

In the 17 days that my grandma was here, we made 8 trips to Bastrop. We wanted to visit as much as we could before she headed back to Illinois. It kinda felt like old times when I used to commute from Bastrop to Austin everyday for work/school/fun. Can't say that I miss that commute, but I do miss some of the scenery and quiet time to listen to the radio and what not....