Monday, September 29, 2014

Kinley is 3 1/2 years old

Kinley is 3 1/2 years old now and she's still the same ole' wild, sassy, funny, strong-willed, opinionated girl that she's always been. The threes haven't proven to be much easier than the twos. Sure, she's capable of doing more and understanding more now, but this girl can have some serious meltdowns! I have actually wondered if she was possessed a few times! And the meltdowns are over typical three year old stuff. She wants what she wants, when she wants it, and how she wants it and of course, that's subject to change at any given second. Throw in the fact that she is sharing some attention with baby sister and she dropped her naps over the summer and our days can definitely be a little challenging right now. I remember going through a tough transition with Tyler after Kinley was born and he stopped napping all at the same time as well. It's just a difficult phase, but we got through it then and we'll get through it now. :-)

I have to laugh, as I'm typing this... she just came out of her room looking like this...

Silly girl! We're not going swimming and who knows about the headband! I'm sure she'll come out in some princess costume in a few minutes. She definitely keeps it entertaining around here! Dressing up is a regular thing. She loves having some type of costume on! She tells me daily that she's Elsa from Arendale and always asks for an "Elsa braid." This is an obsession that does not seem to be going away anytime soon. She loves her some Frozen and will belt out 'Let it Go' whenever the mood hits (which is pretty often). She still loves all things girly- wearing dresses, getting her nails and toenails painted, tiaras and jewelry. She is obsessed with getting into my purse and is always on the hunt for my makeup, Soft Lips or Tic Tacs. At 3 1/2, we're still not potty trained :-(, but we are working on it. She just doesn't seem to care at all. We recently started a potty chart and have been giving it a solid effort. I'm hoping that by the time I share some 4 year updates, this milestone will be well behind us! She's still sleeping in my bed. That's been a little challenging with pulling Brooklyn into the bed during the middle of the night to nurse, but I get sad when I think about moving her upstairs, so I'm making it work for now. I just need these babies to stay babies longer!!! Ugh!

Some of her favorite foods these days are chicken, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, salad, PB&J sandwiches, scrambled eggs, pancakes and Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets. If I'd let her though, she would live on a liquid diet of chocolate milk and/or orange juice.

She's excited about starting another year of dance with her friends and every morning after we drop Tyler off at school, she says, "I miss bubba" and tells me that wants to go, too. It's hard to picture my little girl, who says she's "flee" years old, starting pre-k next year. I know it will be here soon, so I'm trying to enjoy this next year before we have another little person's schedule to manage. :-)