Thursday, June 5, 2014

38 week prenatal appointment

Had my 38 week appointment today and that was fun with both kids in tow! I got to see my doctor today and there was no change from last week. Still dilated 1-2cm and she said baby's head was still a little high. I was surprised since the nurse practitioner told me a couple of weeks ago that baby's head was very low. She said the exams are all subjective to who is doing them. ?? I asked about the extreme pressure I have been feeling and how painful it is to walk. I can barely walk today! After checking me out, it turns out that I have pulled/sprained/irritated/whatever two different joints in my pelvic area. Fantastic!!! She said that the pain should go away after the baby is here and that I just need to really rest and relax. She also confirmed that an induction for the 9th or 10th is out of the question. Apparently, a new law was passed this past February and you have to have a Bishop score of 6 (this is comprised of several different factors: dilation, effacement, station, etc) before you can be induced before your due date and I fall around a 4. So, looks like we'll be waiting on her to join us when she's ready. I actually feel relieved about having that decision made for me since I was a little nervous about starting an induction before she was ready, but with the pain and pressure I have been feeling, I'm ready to get this show started! It's crazy that I have been thinking for several weeks that she could come at any minute and it turns out that all this pain is actually an injury and not baby girl. There's one more day of school left and then I think I'll kick my feet up a bit!

Total weight gained: 36lbs
Measuring right on schedule

I snuck in a belly picture with Tyler during his 6 year photo session. :-)