Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pre-K Graduation!!!

O.em.gee! Tyler is now a pre-K graduate! His school really did a great job with putting this together and making the kids feel special. Tyler was over the moon about receiving his Bible for graduation. The staff wrote sweet and encouraging messages inside the Bible and it only confirms my thoughts of what a perfect fit this place was for us. Loved how wonderful they were with Tyler and I'm thankful for the new friendships we found.

These clips have to be viewed on the PC or device with flash player, but definitely worth checking out!

Class walking in.

And in case you can't tell, Tyler is the second from the left on the bottom row.
Welcome song

Hosanna Rock- repeat from Family Fun night, but this is just his class performing.

How great is our god

LOVE this very short clip of Tyler really getting into the song. :-)

Class slideshow~

With Mrs. Mary Ellen and Mrs. Diane. Our future teachers have some pretty big shoes to fill!

Small reception afterwards~