Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Reunion BBQ

One of my BFF's from high school, Shannon, came in to town with her family from California. We rounded up our other girlfriends from high school and their families for a BBQ at the house. I was really looking forward to this since it had been over 3 years since we all hung out last and unfortunately, I got really sick right before everyone showed up, which means that I didn't get any pictures from our evening. :-( I'm still disappointed about this!! Well, I take that back, I got these first two pictures before I plopped in a chair like a slug for the rest of the evening. Boo! Hoping it won't be another 3 years before we can all hang out again!

(Kinley, Lilli, Sadie)

Managed to get a couple pictures with Shannon's kids before they headed out the following day. This one was not an easy task.
Sadie, Kinley, Emma, Tyler