Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kinley's First Birthday Party!!

We celebrated Kinley's first birthday this past Saturday and I still can't believe just how fast this past year has flown by... that we're already celebrating her first birthday! I was excited to have an outdoor Spring garden-type of party, but Mother Nature apparently had plans of her own. I started stalking the forecast eight days in advance and it looked like perfect Spring weather ahead. I mean, we had beautiful weather for so many days before, why should that change??? Unfortunately, it did. The forecast for the party got worse as each day passed and of course, it was supposed to change just before Kinley's party and of course, it was supposed to clear right after the party. Go figure! I had a vision of the "perfect" day for my sweet girl and crappy weather was NOT part of it. The weather went from 83 degrees and sunny on Thursday to 50 degrees and raining on Friday. The 70% chance of rain in the below picture for Saturday ended up being 100% chance of rain. Seriously?!

(Thursday morning)

(possible flash flooding and outdoor parties = not a good combo)

After getting my anxiety in check, we shifted gears and planned to host [a lot] of people indoors. There was no way that we were going to let crazy rain and cold weather spoil my baby's special day! And it didn't! Despite the weather, we had an amazing turn out of close family and friends and we managed to cram 52 people inside our little house. That's 30 adults and 22 babies/kiddos and even though it was a packed house, I wouldn't have guessed there were that many people here. I know that Kinley was a little overwhelmed by the crowd, but we are very fortunate to have so many people that want to share in special moments with us. I love that! And she definitely warmed up as the party went on. I thought it was a great success! The house was a complete wreck, which is a good indication that the kids had fun. We enjoyed pizza, pasta, salad, lots of sweets, but most importantly, good company!

It took Kinley a few minutes to compose herself and actually enjoy her cake after we sang Happy Birthday to her. She started out all smiles as we sang and ended in a pretty pitiful cry. Guess she wasn't a fan. ;-) Once she did figure the cake out, she definitely enjoyed it!

Kinley received some wonderful gifts and I think she's completely set for Summer! She wasn't that interested in opening the gifts so Tyler assisted. My favorite moment was when Tyler opened a tea set and exclaimed, "WE don't have one of these!!" He has definitely been enjoying Kinley's gifts as well. :-)

Our beautiful girl had a fabulous first birthday!! Thank you(!) to everyone that came and celebrated with us!

(And as predicted, the weather cleared after the party, but I'm not bitter or anything- haha).